Welcome to a web site about the Peugeot 304 Cabriolet

Welcome to a simple web site about the Peugeot 304 Cabriolet
I almost included this in the 'survivor' listings, but since all I know about it is these two images I can't be sure it's still alive - or even if it has an engine! It was registered 1st October 1973 and has not been on the road since at least 1994. I'm grateful to Nivek.Old.Gold for use of these images, taken May 2010. If you are the owner, or have any more info, get in touch!
Oct 1973 Â Status not known
UK 304s

These pages are a 304 graveyard. Actually, more a dedication to those 304s that have donated their useful body parts to prolong the life of others before going to that great Peugeot garage in the sky! :)
Plus a listing of mystery / miscellaneous / left hand drive 304s
Confirmed scrapped
Confirmed scrapped
Left in a leaking garage for 21 years after an electrical fire, this Pug was beyond saving. Parts were used to keep JMG 876N on the road before what was left was scrapped in 2015. With thanks to CarSpotterUK for photos and info.
A LHD retrieved from a scrapyard. The engine was used temporarily in JMG 876N while the good 304's engine was removed for rebuilding. With thanks to CarSpotterUK for photos and info.

JMA 168K - a red 304 with black interior - is listed twice on the H & H auction records, selling for £3400 in April 1998, then again for £1800 in April 2003. However the lot descriptions and mileage is identical for both listings, so I don't fully trust the information given. It's been off the road since at least 2003. Scrapped or still alive? If you have info about it, get in touch!
RYW 463L is listed as a 1998 auction entry at H & H. It was to be sold with MOT and tax and was said to be a most original and solid example in ivory/black with tan interior, indeed a potential concours contender. According to DVLA it hasn't been on the road since. Scrapped or still alive? If you have info about it, get in touch!
Here's an unusual one . . . rhd, last taxed in the UK in 2013, advertised for sale Oct 2015 in Italy (but still with UK plates). It has been uniquely modified - white wall tyres, centre radio console, luggage carrier, one-off grille and badge. Not to my taste!

Here is FNK 304K - before and after the rot set in. A former owner tells me the subframe had pretty much gone and the body and floors had crumbled away. The last ebay listing (2018) confirms this. It may have some spares value still, and the plate is desirable.

A past owner of this fine looking 304 cabriolet tells the story hidden behind the deceptive images. The car was sold to him with fake MOT history and was, as he puts it, was 'a dodgy car'. Current whereabouts are not known, but it was invloved in an accident and the lack of DVLA info suggests it has been off road since 1999. It must have made an impression though; that same owner has just purchased another 304 cab - and in red too!

This left hand drive 304 cab is called 'Claudine'. It was originally registered in Cannes, France, then spent part of its life on the road in the UK before going overseas again to Italy. It is now back in the UK, alive and well, and with a seemingly bright future. Truly a well travelled 304 cab!



Feb 1972 Â Status not known
Some of the cars on these pages may be safely tucked away awaiting restoration, or long since scrapped. If you happen to know anything about them, please get in touch. Thank you!
June 1972 Â Off road since at least 1989.
March 1972 Â Still overseas
The poor little pug sold for around £150 via ebay in January 2019, one assume for parts only. It would have been one of the last RHD imports when new.

Feb 1975
Peugeot 304 and 304S Cabriolet / 1970s French Classic Car / Record of UK models.
Website by scarfecreative.co.uk