Welcome to a web site about the Peugeot 304 Cabriolet

Welcome to a simple web site about the Peugeot 304 Cabriolet
UK 304s

These pages are a 304 graveyard. (Actually, more a dedication to those 304's that have donated their useful body parts to prolong the life of others before going to that great Peugeot garage in the sky! :)
Plus a listing of mystery / miscellaneous / left hand drive 304s
Jan 1974 Â Status not known
SUL 480N is a 1974 304S. It lived in Newcastle (Staffs) for a while, and is understood to have undergone a full restoration in 1993. It may still be with us but this is not clear from DVLA records.
Janette took this pic of SBF 333M in Walsall many years ago, describing it as 'scruffy' (the car that is, not the town!). DVLA records suggest it was last taxed in 1994.

Aug 1974 Â Status not known
Status not known.
Nov 1973 Â Status not known
Janet describes OKU 162M, pictured here in Walsall back in the 1980s, as the sorriest she's seen - 'falling to bits'. According to DVLA it was last taxed in 1993.

Sept 1972 Â Status not known
Pictured at a car show in Stafford, here's NPA 989L. DVLA records are unclear suggesting the car was yaxed as recently as 2005, but showing no MOT records. Is it still alive?

You can tell from the girls that this is a 80s picture! DVLA suggests UJW 716L was last taked in 1993, and no other info is known.
Feb 1972 Â Status not known
BDF 555K belonged to Janette Beech. Soon after selling it in 1988 she spotted it again, resprayed in red, and that's the last we know of it. DVLA records suggest it was last taxed in 1988.

In the line up at the same show was YBF 146M (the green one). We know it failed an MOT in 2007 with subframe issues, and that's where the records end. With thanks to Janette and her fab photo album once more :)

March 1974 Â Status not known
Dec 1974 Â Status unkown, maybe SORN
At the same show as NPA, here is GUG 194N looking gorgeous in either black or very dark blue, I can't be sure. DVLA records show a SORN status, but I've found this status is not always accurate.

I am indebted to Janette Beech for sending me her fab old 304 photo album for all of the finds on this page. Thank you Janette :)

Listed on ebay July 2015 with an asking price of £1600, MGK 184P was off road for at least 20 years and sadly beyond saving for the new owner. It was broken up as a donor to save NUB 403L and KEV 431N.
26/09/1975 Â Confirmed scrapped 2020
ULR 746M is a 1973 Pug 304, last taxed around 1997. HDR 511N is a 1975 blue 304 cabriolet, last taxed in 2007. And that's all the info I have!
Do you know where they are? If so please get in touch, as previous owners would like to be reunited with them. Thanks!
Do you own or know of ULR 746M or HDR 511N? If so please get in touch as the previous owners would like to be reunited. Thanks :)
Peugeot 304 and 304S Cabriolet / 1970s French Classic Car / Record of UK models.
Website by scarfecreative.co.uk